
Monday, January 6, 2020

Essay On Common Core - 958 Words

The Core Issue with Common Core The American education system is falling behind. According to international rankings, America ranks 17th in math, 17th in reading, and 21st in science out of 34 industrialized countries. In an effort to improve the nation’s rankings, educators have developed a curriculum called Common Core. To form the Core Standards, educators acquired standards from higher-ranking countries and incorporated them into American education. After adopting the Core Curriculum in states, educators and politicians are debating whether or not Common Core is truly benefitting students. Because these standards are on a national level, students from all socioeconomic statuses must adhere to the one curriculum, leading kids to†¦show more content†¦Placing one type of standard across the nation limits teachers to only a few teaching styles, and the hundreds of thousands of American students cannot adapt to a few styles. According to Neal McCluskey, director of Cato Institute of Education, trying to establish a single set of standards across America is too big to accomplish. There are thousands of kids who come all types of backgrounds including rural families, urban families, high incomes, low incomes, and many more. Common Core tries a cookie cutter apporach on education by attempting to fit all these kids into one curriculum. To resolve this, states should be allowed to come up with their own curriculum. State governments know their census better, which can allow them to develop a system tailored to different students. This approach towards education is better for both students and teachers and serves as a more effective way to reform the American education system. Although Common Core supporters may argue that giving state governments the power to form their own education system will not help reform American education at all due to different political views, state education departments can develop a curriculum that will let lower-performing students understand the same concepts as higher-performing students by analyzing their statistics, , bridging the sharp divide created by the Core Standards, while also trying to make high-performing students feel challenged in the classroom. Common CoreShow MoreRelatedEssay On Common Core707 Words   |  3 Pages This report will discuss the common core and state standards for the state of Alabama. Education itself is like an ornament and should be displayed bold and beautifully. The soul purpose of having a strong education system Is not only to make sure subjects are being taught, but to also make sure they also being performed. 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