
Friday, March 15, 2019

4th new member discussion :: essays research papers

Brothers & Sisters we are privileged to be living in the more or less glorious of times, A time when all the generations of mankind come together. A time just before our Savior appears for his millennial reign. Think close to that for a moment.Last General Conference in April our beloved send offr spoke on this subject and reiterated the fact that these are perilous times. We have it off this to be true. Dallin H. Oaks spoke on the signs of the times & our need to prepare for his second approach. He told us there are 4 matters indisputable to present(prenominal) Saints. 1. The Savior will return to the earth in power and coarse glory to reign personally during the millennium. 2 At the time of his coming there will be great destruction, a destruction of the frightening and a resurrection of the righteous. 3. No one knows the time of his coming, but , 4 the nigh are taught to study the signs and to be prepared for it. He focused to begin with on the 4th with our need for sp iritual preparation. He began the 4th base with Alma 3432 this life is the time for men to prepare to butt God.the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors and he asked Are we preparing?Imagine that you are living just below a large dam. One day you notice a crack in the dam. What would you do. Would you call someone to repair the crack or see what could be done to repair it? Later you see water leaking thru this crack and you gain ground that the dam soon will break. Would you mention casually to your family and friends that a line exists or is developing? Or would you urgently do everything possible to reprimand others to escape the danger? We should have much the same concern close sharing the saving truths of the gospel with those who have not yet hear them. We know the dam is about to break but do we see or feel the urgency D&C 8881 It becometh every man who hath been warned to warn his neighbor.When we accept the gospel of Jesus rescuer and are baptiz ed into his church we accept the responsibility of sharing it with others, particularly relatives and friends.Great blessings are promised the House of Israel. Some of us may not even comprehend these

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